Shiv Sena leader Sandeep Thapar aka Gora was brutally attacked by four men in Nihang attire in Ludhiana outside the civil hospital on Friday. This came just a week after his security was reduced. According to Deputy Commissioner of Police Jaskiranjit Singh Teja, an attempted murder complaint has been filed against the unnamed assailants, and a hunt for them is underway.

Thapar was seen on a scooter with a Gunman near the Civil Hospital, he was returning from Samvedna Trust, an NGO, near the civil hospital where he attended a ceremony to mark the fourth death anniversary of the trust’s founder-president, Ravinder Arora.

While he was was coming back he was confronted by four men in Nihang Attire, thapar was seen joining hands for mercy when the first attacker starting attacking on his head repeatedly with a sword. His Gunman walked on side and watched mutely. Later the attackers escaped with his scooter.

Eyewitnesses brought the badly injured leader to the civil hospital, from whence he was transferred to the nearby Dayanand Medical College and Hospital. Shiv Sena members gathered outside civil hospital to protest against the government and police.