Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde took significant actions in response to the recent lathi-charge incident involving Maratha quota protesters in Jalna. During a state function in Buldhana, Shinde announced that Jalna district superintendent of police, Tushar Doshi, has been placed on compulsory leave. He also revealed that ADGP (law and order) Sanjay Saxena would lead an investigation into the lathi-charge, with the possibility of a judicial probe if necessary. Additionally, two DYSP-rank officers will be transferred out of Jalna district.
The incident in Jalna unfolded when police used baton charges and tear gas to disperse a group of protesters who had reportedly prevented authorities from shifting a hunger-striking Maratha quota protester to the hospital. The violence resulted in numerous injuries and the burning of more than 15 ST buses.
Chief Minister Shinde expressed his empathy for the Maratha community’s struggles and assured them that the state government is actively working to provide them with reservations that can withstand legal scrutiny. He criticized former chief ministers Ashok Chavan and Uddhav Thackeray for their handling of the Maratha reservation issue.
Regarding the Jalna incident, Shinde mentioned that investigations are underway to determine the instigators of stone-throwing during the otherwise peaceful protest. He also vowed to uncover any individuals exploiting the protests for political gains.
Shinde revealed that discussions had taken place with Manoj Jarande-Patil, who was on a hunger strike in Antarwali Sarathi village demanding Maratha quota rights, and appealed to him to end the fast. However, violence erupted in Jalna before a resolution could be reached. Shinde urged the Maratha community to refrain from resorting to violence, emphasizing that peaceful protests are more effective.
He recalled the restraint shown by the Maratha community during large rallies for reservation held in Maharashtra between 2014 and 2019 when Devendra Fadnavis served as the chief minister. Shinde concluded by appealing to them once again to avoid violent actions.