Preparation of the pitch for the next Lok Sabha and Assembly election in Maharashtra, scheduled for 2024, has started with Shiv Sena Chief Minister EknathShinde emphasising his strong Hindutva image during his recent visit to Ayodhya. He was accompanied by his BJP Deputy CM, Devendra Phadnavis, and both offered prayers to Shri Ram and went around the ongoing construction of the Shri Ram Mandir. The 1989–1992 movement for the temple had seen thousands of volunteers reach Ayodhya for karseva, and a large number of them were from the Shiv Sena in Maharashtra, strengthening the Sena’s claim to be the strongest pro-Hindu outfit at that time. Now, with full control of the party, Shinde is looking at reinforcing that image, for which incidentally Ayodhya again happens to be the starting point and BJP the trusted ally.
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