Hundreds of enthusiastic locals in Kalka rolled out the red carpet for Shakti Rani Sharma, the newly nominated BJP candidate, as she kicked off her election campaign with a grand roadshow on Saturday. The procession, which stretched from HMT Pinjore to Kalka Mata Mandir, marked the beginning of her journey to rally support ahead of the polls. on Saturday.
Amidst drum beating and slogan raising favouring Shakti Rani Sharma and BJP’s victory by the supporters, Sharma was accompanied by her former Union Minister husband Venod Sharma and Rajya Sabha MP son Kartikeya Sharma. She was received by a battery of BJP leaders led by District President Deepak Sharma and Assembly coordinator Shyam Lal Bansal at HMT’s gate.
Therefrom, Sharma led the roadshow which was at least 3 km long convoy.
Shakti Rani Sharma offered prayers at Kalka Mata Temple and sought the blessings of Goddess Shakti. She then performed a havan at her election office in Pinjore, following which the office was inaugurated.
While interacting with the press, Sharma expressed her deep connection with the 01 Assembly constituency. She said that she intends to work hand-in-hand with every section of Kalka and resolve its issues. She also shared that a roadmap for Kalka’s development has been prepared. Issues related to healthcare, education, and employment will be addressed.
“I have come with one heart, and my goal is to win the hearts of all the people of Kalka.” said Shakti Rani Sharma. Commenting on the other candidates, Shakti Rani Sharma advised not to underestimate the competition. She noted that while the BJP has released a strong list of candidates, opposition parties are still revising theirs.
She expressed her gratitude for receiving an overwhelming support from the public and stated the party’s manifesto will soon be released, outlining Kalka’s development plan.
Also present at the occasion, Rajya Sabha MP Kartikeya Sharma expressed his gratitude for the party workers’ support. While emphasizing the importance of making Kalka Assembly constituency number one in terms of development, he stated that ‘When you elect a legislator, you will also get a Member of Parliament working for you.’ He mentioned that creating job opportunities for Kalka’s youth is a key priority. He also compared the development of Kalka to the work done in Ambala by former Union Minister Vinod Sharma, indicating a similar commitment to Kalka’s progress.
Kartikeya Sharma also warned against being misled by the Congress, which he accused of disrespecting the Constitution. He urged people to remember that the Congress is the same party that once tried to dismantle the Constitution but now carries it in hand. Speaking about the issue of anti-incumbency, he expressed confidence that the government’s work will counter the 10-year-old anti-incumbency narrative and that the BJP will be re-elected. Kartikeya Sharma also promised to address all pressing issues in Kalka, including Section 7, water issues, and the problems surrounding HMT.
He further stated that by the 8th of the month, those responsible for spreading fear and running drug rackets in Kalka will be driven out, and Kalka will become a place free of fear and drugs. The Rajya Sabha MP concluded by praising Prime Minister Modi for being the country’s greatest campaigner and gave his commitment for towards Haryana’s development under Modi’s leadership.
BJP District President Deepak Sharma while emphasizing the party workers’ unity, acknowledged that only candidate gets a ticket among others. He admitted the dissatisfaction among some workers over the candidate announcement but also expressed his confidence in pacifying and bringing every worker on board to ensure victory from Kalka and Panchkula constituencies.
Former Minister Venod Sharma, State Vice PresidentBanto Kataria, BJP Assembly Incharge Shyam Lal Bansal, BJP Assembly Coordinator Naresh Sen and many more were among the dignitaries present during the event.
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