Mumbai Police Tuesday arrested a man in Raipur, Chhattisgarh, for allegedly issuing death threats to Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan. Last week, the Bandra police received a threatening call demanding ₹50 lakh, for which a case was registered under sections 308(4) and 351(3)(4) of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, that deals with extortion and criminal intimidation.
The call was traced to a lawyer from Raipur, Faizan Khan, who had used the caller’s cell phone number, police said. Despite summoning him even after he failed to respond, Mumbai Police had to visit Raipur to locate him within Pandri police station limits. They arrested Khan.
He is claiming that the phone was stolen. He said that he reported his missing case from Khamardih police station on November 2. Talking to the media, Khan said, “My phone was stolen on November 2 and I complained. I told Mumbai police about it. They interrogated me for about two hours.”
Khan revealed that he had filed a complaint against Shah Rukh Khan concerning a line in the 1994 film *Anjaam*, referring to deer hunting, as he was worried about his relations with Rajasthan’s Bishnoi community. “The Bishnoi community… is my friend. It is in their religion to protect deer. So, if a Muslim says something like this about deer, it is condemnable. Therefore, I objected,” he said.
Khalid has all the doubts about foul play. Adding, “Whoever has made a call from my phone, it seems intentional. I feel it is a conspiracy against me.
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