On Wednesday, a Chennai court extended Tamil Nadu Minister V Senthil Balaji’s remand till December 4. Senthil Balaji, who has been housed in Puzhal Prison since his arrest, is currently undergoing treatment at a Tamil Nadu Government multi-super speciality hospital. He was presented by the prosecution from the hospital via video conferencing before Principal Sessions Judge S Alli.
Balaji had filed a petition requesting all the documents from the Enforcement Directorate (ED). ED counsel N Ramesh stated on Wednesday at the hearing that a copy of all the documents had been handed over to the minister as well as the court.
Coming up on November 28 in the Supreme Court is Balaji’s bail plea on medical grounds.
At the last hearing on 20 November, Senior Advocate Mukul Rohatgi appearing for Balaji stated that the Minister was suffering from multiple ailments and a brain MRI revealed he could be affected by a stroke at any time. The SC has asked for the latest medical reports to be presented on November 28.
Speaking to the media about Senthil Balaji’s health condition on November 18, Health Minister Ma Subramanian said, “He is very tired. Doctors suspect that he has some stones in his gall bladder. They are conducting more tests.”
The Minister was arrested in June by the Enforcement Directorate in connection with a money laundering case related to a cash-for-jobs scam.
This scam reportedly took place when he was Transport Minister during the AIADMK regime.
Senthil Balaji, 47, was admitted to the Tamil Nadu Government multi-super speciality hospital on November 15, after he complained of discomfort and numbness in his legs.
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