Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath emphasized the importance of self-discipline for devotees participating in the Kanwar Yatra, urging them to enjoy the pilgrimage while also maintaining faith and order.

He highlighted that the state government, in coordination with the central government, has made extensive arrangements for the event, including enhanced security and health provisions. Yogi Adityanath stressed that no festival or spiritual practice is complete without self-discipline, citing the principle “Shivo Bhutva Shivam Yajet” to encourage devotees to embody the spirit of Shiva in their actions.

The Kanwar Yatra, starting on July 22 and ending on August 6, sees Shiv devotees from all over India participating in the ritual of ‘Jalabhishek’ at Shiv temples.The Chief Minister noted the global recognition of this event and called for a smooth and safe journey for all participants. Despite a few minor incidents, he reassured that measures like patrolling, cleanliness drives, and medical camps are in place to ensure the pilgrimage proceeds without issues.

Furthermore, the state has arranged for drone surveillance and flower showers to enhance the experience. Yogi Adityanath reiterated the importance of maintaining discipline and respect throughout the yatra, ensuring that the spiritual journey remains peaceful and organized.