A Delhi court recently gave notice to Delhi police in response to a request for statutory bail made by Sharjeel Imam in the sedition case filed in 2020. According to reports, the Sedition-related proceedings are on hold, and seven years is the maximum sentence for UAPA offenses. He has been detained since January 2020, serving half of the UAPA offense’s maximum punishment.

It is argued that the applicant has been detained since January 28, 2020 in this case, has served a total of three years and six months in prison, and has undergone incarceration that has exceeded half of the maximum sentence allowed by law for the offense in question. The Karkardooma Court’s Additional Sessions Judge (ASJ), Amitabh Rawat, gave notice to the Delhi police on Friday and instructed them to submit a response. Amit Prasad, a special public prosecutor (SPP), accepted the notice and asked for more time to submit a response regarding the maintainability of the bail request.

The matter has been listed on September 11. The main matter is also listed on the next date of hearing.
Advocate Ahmad Ibrahim and Talib Mustafa had moved an application on behalf of Sharjeel Imam seeking his immediate release from the present criminal prosecution in terms of the statutory provisions contained in Section 436A of Cr.P.C.