Incidents of crime saw a 50 per cent decline in the first 10 days of September this year as compared to the same period in 2022 due to elaborate security measures in place during the G20 Summit, officials said Tuesday. Last year, Delhi saw 1,714 incidents of crime between September 1 and September 10. This year, the cases declined to 911 in the same period.
The New Delhi area, where the summit venue and hotels housing heads of states and delegates were located, was turned into a fortress. According to official data, a total of 1,100 vehicle thefts were reported in 2022 from September 1 to September 10. Whereas, 448 vehicle thefts were reported during the same time in 2023, which is almost 60 per cent less compared to last year.
“Our main focus is always to curb the crime rate in the national capital. During the G20 Summit, police forces along with 200 companies of paramilitary forces were deployed, so there was hardly any possibility for the criminals to commit crime,” a senior police official said, adding that strict vigil on criminal activities will continue.
The official data shows that last year, from September 1 to September 10, 16 murders took place, while the number saw a minor decline during the same period this year, with 14 murders being reported.
Similarly, the instances of robbery declined to 32 from 34 last year in the first 10 days of this month. Police had registered 68 rape and Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POSCO) cases from September 1 to 10 last year, which declined to 45.