Doda, July 09: Early Tuesday morning, a fierce encounter began in the Gadi Bhagwah area of Doda district. Security forces are engaged with two to three trapped terrorists. The operation, initiated based on specific intelligence, has involved heavy gunfire exchanges between the militants and the combined forces of the Indian Army, Jammu and Kashmir Police, and CRPF.

This clash follows the successful neutralization of three terrorists on June 26, highlighting ongoing efforts to combat terrorism in Doda. The region has been tense since the June 11-12 terror attacks in Chatargala and Bhalesa areas.

We received credible information about the presence of terrorists in Gadi Bhagwah. Our forces are conducting a methodical operation to eliminate the threat,” stated a senior police official. Residents have been advised to stay indoors for safety, reflecting community concerns over the security situation.

As the encounter continues, security forces remain determined to restore peace and security in Doda, addressing the persistent challenges posed by terrorism.