Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Wednesday described the Nuh incident as unfortunate, adding that two Home Guards and four civilians had lost their lives in the violence. Besides this, the Chief Minister said, a number of individuals have sustained injuries and are currently receiving treatment at medical facilities including the Nalhar and Medanta hospitals in Gurugram, as well as in other areas. In a statement issued in Chandigarh CM Khattar emphasised that the state government is “actively working” to identify those responsible for this incident and to uncover any potential conspirators.
“A search operation is underway to locate and apprehend individuals who are absconding. As of now, 116 people have been arrested in connection with the incident. All the arrested will be sent on remand today so that more information about those involved in this incident can be obtained,” the Chief Minister announced. Providing an update on the security measures undertaken in Nuh, Khattar stated that security personnel have been deployed to ensure the safety of citizens. Specifically, 30 companies of the Haryana Police have been deployed for this purpose. Additionally, 20 companies of Central Security Forces of the Central government, with three companies deployed in Palwal, two companies in Gurugram, one company in Faridabad, and a substantial deployment of 14 companies in the Nuh district.
“Safeguarding the well-being of the general public is the paramount responsibility of the state government,” the Chief Minister said. He assured that all relevant security agencies, including the police, are on high alert and actively engaged in ensuring the safety of citizens. “Furthermore, any isolated incidents that occurred in other areas have been swiftly brought under control. As a result, the situation in those areas has returned to normal. Comprehensive and coordinated efforts are being made to maintain peace, security, and normalcy in the state,” CM Khattar said. While urging the people, to maintain peace harmony and brotherhood, he said that allowing tensions to escalate can have a “detrimental impact” on the spirit of brotherhood among the people. He urged citizens to prioritise unity and brotherhood, as these factors are essential for the state’s overall prosperity.
On the other hand, Deputy Chief Minister Dushyant Chautala claimed the yatra organisers in Nuh had not provided “complete information” to the district administration, which resulted in Monday’s violence. Speaking to media persons on Wednesday, the Deputy CM vowed stringent action against those responsible.
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