A scuffle reportedly erupted late Saturday night at Delhi University (DU) between students from the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) and the left-leaning Students Federation of India (SFI). The altercation occurred around 11:45 pm near the Swami Vivekananda statue on campus. The ABVP has alleged that SFI members made controversial remarks about the Indian Army. Sources indicate that around 50 students, including many affiliated with the student group Disha and reportedly from outside DU, were involved in the clash.
ABVP member and Secretary of the Delhi University Students’ Union (DUSU) Aprajita criticized the disruption, noting that it was particularly disruptive during ongoing Law Faculty exams. She added, “The noise from the gathering disturbed students studying in the nearby library.”
The ABVP condemned the remarks as “anti-national and an insult to the Indian Army,” and accused SFI and other leftist groups of promoting an anti-national agenda while ignoring issues like the alleged mishandling of women’s safety by the West Bengal government led by Mamata Banerjee and the Trinamool Congress (TMC). Aprajita further claimed, “Last night, some SFI members gathered near the Vivekananda statue in the art faculty and raised objectionable slogans against the army. These individuals were not local but came from outside. We have reported this to the police, and SFI’s press release is inaccurate.”
In response, the SFI accused the ABVP of launching a smear campaign and spreading false information. The SFI stated that their protest was aimed at raising awareness about rape culture and the recent increase in violence against women across the country. They criticized the ABVP for what they perceive as an “anti-women stance.”
An SFI statement read, “Our priority has always been to stand united against issues affecting women students both on and off campus. We have consistently supported victims and survivors, whether it involves Brij Bhushan, the rapists of Bilkis Bano, or the ongoing harassment faced by women students. We also accuse the ABVP-led DUSU of failing to address the physical and cyber harassment faced by female students at DU.”
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