Nawab Malik, a former Maharashtra minister and leader of the NCP, had his interim bail extended by the Supreme Court on Thursday for a further three months due to his health. After hearing from Malik’s attorney that his condition had not changed since the previous order, a two-judge panel of Justices Bela M. Trivedi and Dipankar Datta extended the interim bail for three months. On August 11, the Supreme Court granted him two months of health-related bail. The Enforcement Directorate’s additional solicitor general, SV Raju, did not raise any objections to the extension of Malik’s bail.

“Counsel submits that petitioner’s condition has not improved. Learned ASG SV Raju for the respondent does not dispute the same. Interim bail granted is extended for a further period of three months,” the bench said.
Earlier, Malik had earlier approached the apex court against a Bombay High Court order which rejected the temporary medical bail plea.
Malik, while seeking bail on health grounds had claimed before the apex court earlier that he was suffering from a chronic kidney disease apart from various other ailments.
Earlier the Directorate of Enforcement (ED) arrested Malik in February 2022 alleging that he usurped a property in Kurla with the help of Dawood Ibrahim’s late sister Haseena Parkar between 1999-2006.
ED alleged that since Parkar handled Dawood’s illegal businesses, the money was ultimately used for terror funding.