Former Maharashtra Minister Nawab Malik, who has been in jail since February 23, 2022, in a money laundering case, had his petition adjourned by the Supreme Court on Tuesday until July. Justices Sanjiv Khanna and MM Sundresh specified that the High Court has the freedom to address the matter during this interim period. Malik approached the Supreme Court after being dissatisfied with the Bombay High Court’s decision to adjourn his bail application until June 6.
Senior advocate Kapil Sibal, appearing for Malik, urged the bench to specify that the matter be heard by the High Court next week, however, the apex court didn’t specify any date for the hearing in the High Court.Sibal had earlier told the bench that Malik is suffering from kidney failure.Malik approached the High Court after the trial court refused to grant him bail on November 30, 2022.The Directorate of Enforcement (ED) arrested Malik in February 2022 alleging that he usurped a property in Kurla with the help of Dawood Ibrahim’s late sister Haseena Parkar between 1999-2006.ED alleged that since Parkar handled Dawood’s illegal businesses, the money was ultimately used for terror funding.
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