Thousands of devotees converged at the revered Mahakaleshwar Temple in Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, on Friday, August 2, to celebrate the auspicious occasion of Sawan Shivratri. The holy day, marked by fervor and devotion, is considered particularly significant during the sacred month of Sawan, dedicated to Lord Shiva.

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Worshipers offered prayers, expressed reverence, and sought blessings from Baba Mahakal, another name for Lord Shiva. While the entire month of Sawan is auspicious, the added significance of Shivratri elevated the spiritual atmosphere at the temple. Kanwariyas, Hindu pilgrims who undertake arduous journeys carrying holy water, also arrived in large numbers to offer Jal (water) to the deity.

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Temple priest Mahesh Sharma explained the spiritual importance of Sawan Shivratri. “The month of Sawan is dedicated to Lord Shiva, and devotees who worship Him during this period are showered with blessings,” he said. “Sawan Shivratri holds equal significance to the annual Shivratri, and it is believed that offering sesame seeds to Lord Shiva on this day brings prosperity and abundance.”

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Sawan Shivratri commemorates the divine union of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. It falls on the fourteenth day of the lunar month and is celebrated with great enthusiasm across India. The month of Sawan typically occurs between July and August and is characterized by religious observances, fasting, and pilgrimages dedicated to Lord Shiva.