Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Sanjay Singh spoke out against an alleged attack on their Rajya Sabha MP, Swati Maliwal. He stated that Delhi’s Chief Minister, Arvind Kejriwal, has acknowledged the incident and ordered a strong response. Singh explained that Maliwal was reportedly mistreated by Arvind Kejriwal’s personal assistant, Vibhav Kumar, at the CM’s residence. Maliwal has notified the Delhi Police about the incident, but they haven’t received a formal complaint yet. Singh assured their support to Maliwal in this matter.
Meanwhile, the Delhi Municipal Corporation House meeting faced disruptions as BJP councillors protested against Maliwal’s alleged assault and demanded a Dalit mayor appointment. They held banners and chanted slogans against Arvind Kejriwal. After the chaos, Delhi Mayor Shelly Oberoi criticized the BJP councillors for hindering discussions and committees’ formation in the MCD.
The Delhi Police confirmed receiving a PCR call reporting the incident at the CM’s residence, but Maliwal left the police station without lodging a formal complaint. No complaints have been filed yet regarding the assault.
These events occurred just before the upcoming Lok Sabha elections in Delhi and Arvind Kejriwal’s release from jail on interim bail until June 1. All seven Delhi Lok Sabha seats are up for voting on May 25, with AAP and Congress forming an alliance to contest four and three seats, respectively.
In summary, Sanjay Singh condemned the alleged assault on Swati Maliwal, emphasizing Kejriwal’s call for strict action. The MCD House meeting was adjourned due to BJP’s protests, and the Delhi Police awaits Maliwal’s formal complaint. These incidents coincide with the lead-up to the Delhi Lok Sabha elections and Kejriwal’s release from jail on interim bail.
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