The Madhya Pradesh High Court has granted bail to a man accused of shouting pro-Pakistan slogans, imposing unusual conditions aimed at instilling a sense of national pride. The accused, who had been charged under Section 153B of the Indian Penal Code for promoting enmity, must salute the Indian flag 21 times, twice a month, while raising the slogan “Bharat Mata ki Jai.”
“Applicant may be released on bail by imposing conditions which may enthuse in him a sense of responsibility and pride for the country” Madhya Pradesh HC
Justice Dinesh Kumar Paliwal issued the bail order on October 15, highlighting that the conditions would help the accused develop a sense of responsibility towards his country. The Court emphasized the need for the individual to take pride in India, the nation of his birth.
In addition to the flag-saluting requirement, the man must also mark his presence at the Misrod police station in Bhopal every first and fourth Tuesday of the month from 10 A.M. to 12 P.M. until the trial concludes. The Court specified that these conditions should be incorporated into the bail paperwork, ensuring compliance and accountability during the legal proceedings.
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