The Mumbai Crime Branch has apprehended a fifth suspect in the shooting incident outside actor Salman Khan residence. Identified as Mohammad Chaudhary, the individual was arrested in Rajasthan for allegedly aiding the shooters, Sagar Pal and Vicky Gupta.

According to Mumbai Crime Branch officials, Chaudhary played a role in facilitating financial assistance and reconnaissance for the assailants. This arrest adds another layer to the ongoing investigation into the firing incident that shook the Bandra area of Mumbai.

The complexity of the case deepened with the tragic demise of Anuj Thapan, one of the arms suppliers involved, who was found dead in his cell on May 1, reportedly by suicide. Thapan’s arrest on April 26 had marked a significant breakthrough, shedding light on the network responsible for providing weapons to the attackers.

The Salman Khan residence firing case, which occurred on April 14, involved two assailants opening fire outside the Galaxy Apartments, Salman Khan’s residence, before fleeing. Subsequent arrests revealed connections to the Lawrence Bishnoi gang.

In response to the seriousness of the case, Mumbai Police invoked the Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act (MCOCA) against all the accused in the shooting incident. A lookout notice has also been issued for Anmol Bishnoi, the younger brother of incarcerated gangster Lawrence Bishnoi, in connection with the case.

The apprehension of Mohammad Chaudhary underscores the ongoing efforts by law enforcement to unravel the complexities of this high-profile shooting case and bring all involved individuals to justice.