Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath Friday said the “Safe City Project” has ensured women’s safety, respect and self-reliance in the state. He also directed officials to equip all police stations in 18 identified cities with CCTVs within the coming week. The Chief Minister’s instruction came during a meeting to review the progress of the Safe City Project across UP. CM Adityanath said CCTVs should be compulsorily installed at commercial establishments, road intersections, government, private hospitals, and educational institutions.
He added that modern control rooms, pink police booths, Asha Jyoti Kendras, CCTVs, help desks in women’s police stations, panic buttons in buses and other security measures that have been implemented under the Lucknow Police Commissionerate through the project will now be expanded to other cities in the state. He said the project is “proving very useful in fulfilling the resolve to ensure women’s safety, respect and self-reliance”. “Currently the Safe City project is focused on the safety of women. We should expand it and also link it to the safety of the elderly, children and disabled people,” he added. In the review meeting, the CM said 17 municipal corporations and Gautam Budh Nagar are being developed as a ‘Safe Cities’ in the first phase. In the second phase, the municipalities of 57 district headquarters will be linked to the ‘Safe City’ project and 143 municipalities will be linked in the third phase. Special branding will also be done at the entrance of all such cities. Officials at the meeting told the chief minister that the police have so far identified 9,396 places for installation of CCTVs in several smart cities—Agra, Aligarh, Bareilly, Jhansi, Kanpur, Lucknow, Moradabad, Prayagraj, Saharanpur and Varanasi smart cities. Installation is complete at 3,489 spots.
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