Sacked Rajasthan minister Rajendra Gudha on Wednesday made public three pages of the purported “red diary” which he has claimed contains the details of financial misdeeds of the Congress government and cited their contents to allege corruption in Rajasthan Cricket Association election.
Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot had last week dismissed Gudha’s allegations, saying that no such red diary existed, after the MLA had claimed that he had secured it on Gehlot’s direction from RTDC Chairman Dharmendra Rathore’s residence during an IT department raid in 2020. Addressing a press conference on Wednesday, Gudha alleged that the three pages contain details of financial transactions between Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot’s son Vaibhav Gehlot and RCA secretary Bhawani Samota and others. Vaibhav Gehlot is presently Chairman of the RCA.
“I am speaking based on facts that votes were bought in the RCA election. Votes were bought 100 per cent,” Gudha alleged. In one of the pages of the purported diary, it is alleged that “Bhawani Samota is not giving people’s money” and he “did not fulfil the promise he had made to most of the people”. Gudha said that the handwriting in the diary can be matched with that of Ashok Gehlot’s aide Rajasthan Tourism Development Corporation (RTDC) Chairman Dharmendra Rathore.