Party leader Sachin Pilot declared on Sunday that the party will work for the people and live up to expectations, a day after the Siddaramaiah-led Congress government in Karnataka took an oath.”We have successfully created the Karnataka government with a sizable majority. The BJP is a corrupt party, as the Congress in Karnataka claimed during the campaign. As a result, we were able to build the state’s government. “I believe we will work for people and live up to public expectations,” he declared.Siddaramaiah and DK Shivkaumar both took the oath of office as the sole Deputy Chief Minister of Karnataka on Saturday.
Pilot criticised the Centre for the Reserve Bank of India’s decision to stop accepting Rs 2,000 notes, saying, “First, they demonetised Rs 1,000 and Rs 500 currency notes, then they brought Rs 2,000. The circulation of Rs. 2,000 notes is currently being stopped by the central government.”After demonetization in 2016, the BJP-led government asserted that demonetization would eradicate black money,” he continued. Black money hasn’t been completely eradicated, though.
The RBI announced on Friday that it would stop printing banknotes with a value of Rs 2,000 but added that they would still be accepted as legal money.
It has instructed banks to immediately stop issuing banknotes with a value of Rs 2,000.
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