The ‘Road Show’ held by the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath in Mumbai on Friday called as a BJP backed political game by ‘Saamana’. The editorial also pointed out that the Chief Minister had promoted himself by giving full-page advertisement in newspapers. It was broadcasted that Yogi is going to hold a roadshow for the industrial development of Uttar Pradesh near this hotel of Taj Mahal Palace Colaba”, it said.
The editorial further argued that Yogi’s move was aimed at investing Hiindi-speaking voters for the Mumbai Municipal Corporation elections in the name of industrialists. It termed the states of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh as industrially backward and said, “This is a tie-up for the industrialists and investors of Mumbai to set industries in their state. To speed up the development of Uttar Pradesh, Yogi keeps coming to the city of Mumbai. We do not think there is anything wrong with that.” It further states that Uttar Pradesh is an ‘express state’ as Yogi gave information about six expressways and five international airports in his advertisement.
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