RSS-backed National Democratic Teachers’ Front candidate AK Bhagi on Thursday retained the post of Delhi University Teachers’ Association president, defeating the Democratic United Teachers’ Alliance’s Aditya Narayan Mishra. Bhagi got 4,182 votes, while Mishra got 3,787. A total of 8,187 of the 9,500 eligible voters exercised their franchise in Wednesday’s polls.
Bhagi said that his priority is to complete the regularisation scheme and introduce new policies such as the pension scheme and EWS seats. “We are happy and excited to be the winners again. Our priority is to complete the regularisation scheme, which is in the halfway stage. We will also focus on completing the pending work that we started two years ago,” Bhagi said.
“We will also focus on new policies such as the pension scheme and EWS seats,” he added. Nine organisations, including the Democratic Teachers› Front, AAP-backed Academic for Action and Development Delhi Teachers› Association, Indian National Teachers› Congress, Delhi Teachers› Initiative, Samajwadi Shikshak Manch, Common Teachers› Front, Independent Teachers› Front for Social Justice and the Voice of DU Ad Hocs — came together to form the Democratic United Teachers› Alliance for this year›s Delhi University Teachers› Association (DUTA) elections.
While the National Democratic Teachers› Front won the Delhi University Teachers› Association elections in 2021, the Democratic Teachers› Front had won the polls five times in a row before that.
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