Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy on Wednesday released Rs 703 crore under ‘Jagananna Vidya Deevena’ scheme to mothers of nearly 10 lakh students in Kovvuru in East Godavari district. The amount for January-March quarter, 2023 was transferred directly to the bank accounts of the beneficiaries. Jagananna Vidya Deevena is a scheme under which the total fees for students pursuing ITI, polytechnic, degree, engineering, medicine and other courses is reimbursed.
“We took steps in the past fours years to invest in education to enable several families suffering from poverty for a long time to break those shackles with an engineer, doctor and a collector coming from those families with higher education,” said Reddy addressing a large gathering. The Chief Minister noted that education is the only way forward for SC, ST, BC and minorities to end poverty, discrimination and rise up on the upward social mobility ladder. The southern state has already spent Rs 14,912 core on Jagananna Vidya Deevena, and Jagananna Vasathi Deevena, another scheme which offers boarding and lodging expenses to eligible students purusing degree, engineering, medicine and polytechnic courses.
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