Delhi Development Minister Gopal Rai said on Sunday that traders affected by the recent fire in Azadpur Mandi have been shifted till the damaged tin sheds are repaired.
During a visit to the Azadpur Mandi, Asia’s largest wholesale vegetable market, where a fire broke out on September 29, Rai said he has issued directions that the repair work be done within 45 days. A massive fire broke out at Tomato Mandi on Friday and required 11 fire tenders to douse the blaze. The fire was brought under control by 6.30 pm.
“The traders have been shifted to another tin shed so that their business does not get affected. I have issued directions to repair the tin shed (where the fire broke out) within 45 days,” the minister told reporters.
On Friday, Rai said that a possibility of developing a fire control system was also being explored when he was asked about the difficulty that fire tenders faced in reaching the site of the fire due to traffic congestion.
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