Deepak Singh, the Congress leader, said that the Amethi people have a strong and unbreakable tie with the Gandhi family in response to Rahul Gandhi’s nomination on Friday for the Raebareli Lok Sabha constituency. There is an unbreakable bond between the Gandhi and Amethi families. Deepak Singh informed ANI that he would undoubtedly visit us before to presenting his candidature.

After many days of speculation, Rahul Gandhi was finally declared by the Congress on Friday as their candidate for the Raebareli Lok Sabha seat in Uttar Pradesh, which is their ancestral home. Rahul Gandhi will be facing BJP member Dinesh Pratap Singh. Smriti Irani is running for a new term from Amethi in the Lok Sabha, and Rahul currently represents Wayanad. Raebareli felt Sonia’s hug.

Kishori Lal Sharma, a party supporter from Amethi, the seat Rahul Gandhi lost to BJP leader Smriti Irani in the 2019 general elections, has also been nominated by the Congress party. Before handing over the reins to Rahul in 2004, Sonia Gandhi ran for office from this location in 1999. Irani had previously submitted her candidature as the BJP’s choice for Amethi.On May 20, these seats will go to polls in the fifth phase.

From 2004 till 2019, Rahul was the Lok Sabha representative for Amethi. From 1981 until his passing in 1991, Rajiv Gandhi, his father and the previous prime minister, was also an elected member of Amethi’s Lower House. The deadline to submit nominations for the seats that will be up for election on May 20 in the fifth round of the seven-phase general elections is this Friday.

In the Congress stronghold, the party has won all but three Lok Sabha elections since 1951. Raebareli had been defeated three times by Indira Gandhi prior to Sonia Gandhi taking government. The Congress leader and Indira Gandhi’s spouse, Feroze Gandhi, was also elected by the constituency in 1952 and 1957. There were only two occasions when a Nehru-Gandhi family member declined to run for office: in 1996 and 1999.

Both constituencies are traditional strongholds of the Gandhi-Nehru family, with its members holding these seats for decades. The Congress, which is contesting 17 Lok Sabha seats in Uttar Pradesh as part of the seat-sharing deal with the Samajwadi Party (SP), has announced candidates for all the seats barring Amethi and Raebareli.

Rahul’s defeat in Amethi, once considered a Congress ‘pocket borough’, at the hands of Smriti Irani in the 2019 polls was seen as a significant blow to the party’s national prestige.