Raveena Tandon has issued a Rs 100 crore defamation notice to Mohsin Shaikh, who posted a video on social media showing her being harassed by a crowd during a recent road rage incident. The video, which quickly gained traction online, falsely claimed that Raveena was intoxicated. In response, the veteran actress’s legal team is taking action against Shaikh for spreading defamatory content.
Speaking to India Today, Raveena’s lawyer Sana Raees Khan stated, “Recently, an attempt was made to embroil Raveena in a false and frivolous complaint which was clarified in CCTV footage and no complaint was filed. However, recently, a person claiming to be a journalist, is disseminating false information on X regarding the said incident, which is factually incorrect and misleading.”
She added, “This dissemination of false news appears to be a deliberate attempt to tarnish Raveena’s reputation for ulterior motives. The intent behind continuously spreading these falsehoods seems to be rooted in extortion and a desire to gain cheap publicity at the expense of Raveena’s dignity. We are currently taking all necessary legal steps to address this issue and ensure that justice is served and action is taken against him for perpetuating this defamatory campaign.”
The incident in question involved Raveena being confronted by a group of women who accused her and her driver of assaulting three women, including an elderly lady. A video emerged online showing Raveena being confronted and pleading with the group not to hit her, saying, “Please don’t hit me.” CCTV footage later confirmed that there was no collision involving Raveena’s car and the women and showed Raveena stepping in to protect her driver during the incident.
Raveena Tandon is a celebrated Bollywood actress, known for her roles in hit films such as “Dilwale,” “Mohra,” “Laadla,” and “Andaz Apna Apna.” She has also made notable appearances in South Indian films like “Sadhu,” “Upendra,” and “K.G.F: Chapter 2.”
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