Kashmir: – In an extraordinary occurrence, a woman from North Kashmir’s Baramulla district gave birth to healthy triplets at the Sub-District Hospital (SDH) Tangmarg. Hospital officials confirmed that all three infants are thriving.

“This case is exceptional as all three babies were delivered naturally, a rare feat in multiple births,” said a hospital doctor. Typically, triplet deliveries require cesarean sections due to the associated risks and complications.

The birthing process began at home with the delivery of the first baby. Subsequently, the mother was taken to SDH Tangmarg, where the remaining two babies were successfully delivered by a proficient medical team. The team was led by senior consultant gynecologist Dr. Zainab Drabo and supported by Dr. Nisar, Dr. Shafaq, Dr. Rafeeqa, as well as nursing staff members Sister Haleema Ji and Ruksana.

Dr. Zahoor Ahmad, the Block Medical Officer (BMO), commended the hospital’s preparedness and the dedication of the medical staff. “We ensured that all necessary facilities and resources were in place to handle this rare and complex case efficiently,” he stated.

The successful natural delivery of the triplets has brought immense joy and relief to the family and the community. Both the mother and the babies are receiving appropriate postnatal care, demonstrating the hospital’s capability and the commitment of its healthcare professionals in managing such unique medical situations.