Authorities from Delhi Police paid a visit to Sagar Sharma’s home after he broke through the Parliament’s security on Sunday and entered the Lok Sabha Chamber. They set up a video chat between Sagar and the family members. His mother said they felt better after speaking with him. Rani Sharma, Sagar’s mother, stated, “We spoke with Sagar for two minutes and asked about his well-being. After our conversation with him, we were pleased. He claimed that there was no need to be concerned about him and that he was fine. For a while, we were unable to communicate. His mother observed that he did not appear to be upset based on the look on his face.
His mother further said, “Looking at the video, it did not appear that he regretted his actions. Our point is that he has not done anything wrong, hence he does not have any regret. We know that he has not done anything wrong. My health has deteriorated and now we will not be able to talk to the media. It is being claimed that Sagar is married and has a child. Fake news is being spread.”
“Delhi Police have taken our Aadhaar along with them,” she added.
Regarding Sagar’s bank account, Rani Sharma said, “He did not have four bank accounts as being said. Earlier there was one account that was closed, a new one had been opened, and we have only this much information on the bank account.”
Rani Sharma said that Sagar had bought the e-rickshaw in instalments 6 years ago and when it broke down, he sold it.
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