The Bengaluru blast case has taken a fresh turn with the release of recent CCTV footage capturing the actions of the assailant. The video depicts the individual boarding a Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation (BMTC) bus, wearing a cap, face mask, and glasses, along with black shoes, black pants, and a greyish green button-up shirt, described as a “tall man of a slim build.”
In the footage, the suspect boards the bus, takes a seat, but pauses to acknowledge the CCTV camera before promptly leaving its surveillance area. According to the news agency, “A new CCTV footage has emerged showing the Bengaluru Cafe Blast suspect boarding a BMTC bus.”
The man, aged 30 to 40 years, is the primary suspect in the low-intensity blast at The Rameshwaram Cafe on March 1, causing injuries to 10 people. The explosive device used in the blast had a one-hour timer, with nuts and bolts utilized as shrapnel.
The National Investigation Agency (NIA), leading the investigation, announced a ₹10 lakh cash reward for any information about the suspect. The agency also released a sketch of the accused in a ‘wanted’ poster, highlighting the confidentiality of the informer’s identity.
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