On Friday, the Rajya Sabha experienced a heated exchange between Chairman Jagdeep Dhankar and Leader of Opposition Mallikarjun Kharge, as opposition parties demanded an immediate discussion on alleged irregularities in the NEET-UG exams. The Upper House faced three adjournments due to protests and sloganeering, with Kharge and several MPs walking into the Well of the House.

Chairman Dhankar expressed his dismay over Kharge’s actions, stating it was unprecedented for a Leader of the Opposition to enter the Well to disrupt proceedings, marking it as a “tainted day” in Indian parliamentary tradition. He criticized the unruly behavior, describing it as ignoble and shameful for the institution.

Later, Kharge justified his actions to reporters, explaining that he sought to draw the Chairman’s attention after being denied the opportunity to speak and having his microphone switched off. He accused Dhankar of ignoring him and favoring the ruling party. Kharge argued that he had no choice but to make his protest visible by entering the Well or shouting loudly. He insisted that Dhankar should maintain the dignity of the Upper House and accused him of repeatedly adjourning sessions to avoid addressing critical issues like the NEET exam paper leak, which has affected numerous students.

The Rajya Sabha eventually resumed discussions on the motion of thanks before adjourning for the day at around 6 pm, with plans to reconvene at 11 am on Monday.