The Rajya Sabha on Friday was adjourned for the day amid a ruckus created by both the Opposition party members and the treasury benches.
The House will reconvene on Monday at 11 am.
Soon after the House reassembled after its first adjournment at 12 noon, the Opposition party members reiterated their demand to hold a comprehensive discussion on Manipur ethnic violence issue under Rule 267.
Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar declined all the 48 notices given under Rule 267 by the Opposition MPs, pointing out that they are not ready to discuss Manipur violence even after the assurance given by the chair that there will not be any time limit during the discussion on the issue and that each member will be allocated as much time as they want.
Meanwhile, BJP MP from Rajasthan Ghanshyam Tiwari raised a point related to crime against women in Rajasthan and sought a discussion on the issue too.
Leader of the Upper House Piyush Goyal also requested the chair to conduct a discussion over crime against women in Rajasthan. “It is a very serious matter and the Rajasthan Government has failed to protect the dignity of the women in the state,” Piyush Goyal said.
At the same time, treasury benches started sloganeering “Charcha ho, Charcha ho, Rajasthan pe charcha ho” (there should be a discussion on Rajasthan)