Defense Minister, Rajnath Singh, will visit Siachen tomorrow to engage with the armed forces stationed there on Monday, according to an announcement from the Defense Ministry Office. This visit comes after he celebrated Holi with troops at the Leh Military station on March 24.

Originally planned for Siachen, bad weather led to a change in plans to Leh. Singh had promised to visit Siachen soon after speaking with the Commanding Officer there. During his visit, he will also pay respects at the Martyr’s Memorial. In addition to his military engagements, Singh has been actively involved in election campaigning, holding numerous public meetings and road shows across 12 states.

Recently, he addressed China’s renaming of places in Arunachal Pradesh, emphasizing India’s desire for good relations but also its readiness to defend its honor. He criticized the Congress party for neglecting border infrastructure and highlighted his own political history, currently contesting the Lok Sabha polls from Lucknow constituency.