Defence Minister Rajnath Singh reached out to his Tanzanian counterpart, Stergomena Tax, currently undergoing treatment in India. Singh wished her good health and a speedy recovery in a message on social media, “Spoke to the Defence Minister of Tanzania, Dr. Stergomena Tax who is undergoing medical treatment in India. Wishing her good health and a speedy recovery.”
India and Tanzania share a history of very close and cooperative relations since the 1960s. Both have shared commitments to anti-colonialism and non-alignment, as well as South-South cooperation, in which they work in parallel with each other in international forums. Subsequently, they have moved forward with economic reform programs and increasing their global engagement for international business ties and attracting foreign investment.
The bilateral relations between India and Tanzania were elevated to a Strategic Partnership during the state visit of the President of Tanzania, Samia Suluhu Hassan, to India. The contours of this partnership reflect a contemporary and pragmatic relationship characterized by a strong political understanding, diverse economic engagements, and robust people-to-people contact.
Over the years, India and Tanzania’s relationship has broadened to include development in education, health, and other initiatives. These comprise bilateral collaborations involving capacity-building programs, concessional credit lines, and grant projects aimed at mutual development and prosperity.
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