Union Minister Rajnath Singh, in an exclusive interview with NDTV, assured that the BJP has no intention of altering the Preamble of the Indian Constitution or discontinuing reservation policies. Singh emphasized that while the Congress has made changes to the Preamble in 1976, the BJP has no such plans and is being unfairly targeted.

Singh recalled the amendment made to the Preamble during Indira Gandhi’s tenure in 1976, highlighting the consensus within the constituent assembly regarding the possibility of constitutional amendments. He stressed that while amendments have been made in the past, the BJP does not entertain the idea of altering the Preamble.

Singh’s comments come in response to allegations by Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, who suggested that the BJP would disregard the Constitution if re-elected. Concerns were also raised by some Congress members about the potential removal of “secularism” from the Preamble.

The Defence Minister reiterated the BJP’s commitment to reservation policies, particularly for OBCs and STs, dismissing claims of discontinuation. He clarified that while the Opposition discusses religion-based reservation, the BJP firmly opposes such measures, citing constitutional constraints.

With the Lok Sabha elections underway, led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the BJP is seeking a third consecutive term. Voting for six of the seven phases has concluded, with results slated for announcement on June 4 after the final round of voting on June 1.