Gujarat’s Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel, along with Home Minister Harsh Sanghavi, visited Rajkot’s TRP gaming zone on Sunday, where an official tally confirms the loss of 27 lives, including children.

As per visuals, it showed the chief minister and home minister taking stock of the area along with their team.

Later, both the chief minister and home minister visited civil lines hospital, where they met victims of Gaming zone fire accident. 

They also met the injured admitted at Rajkot’s Giriraj Hospital.

Earlier, home minister Harsh Sanghvi after taking stock of the situation, declared, that one person is still missing after the incident.

“Our first priority is that…as per the information we have, one person is still missing, and it is our responsibility to look for the person. We are deploying maximum teams for that… said harsh Sanghavi to reporters.

Later, Sanghavi also informed, that all officials were instructed to be present at collector’s office by 3 am.

“A very sad incident took place at Rajkot, many family members lost their loved ones and many children have also died in the incident…SIT has been instructed to start the investigation by 3 am… all officials of those depts under which the responsibility of game zone construction lies, have been instructed to be present at the Collector’s office by 3 am today. All types of investigations will begin today itself and soon action will be taken to serve justice. After doing the inspection here I will be sitting in Collector’s office. “declared sanghavi.

Meanwhile, two individuals, including the owner and manager of the TRP Game Zone in Rajkot, have been detained at a police station for interrogation.