Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot launched his ambitious ‘Rajasthan Mission-2030’ during the inauguration ceremony at Birla Auditorium in Jaipur on Tuesday. The primary objective of the project is to implement schemes and policies based on suggestions from the people of the state.
Gehlot emphasised that the participation of each and every person will be ensured to accelerate the state’s progress tenfold. He stated, “The state government will seek advice and suggestions from one crore people to shape the Rajasthan of their dreams. These inputs will contribute to the creation and release of the ‘Vision-2030 Document’.”
He added, “Rajasthan has emerged as a model state in every field of the country, encompassing social security, education, healthcare, information technology, women’s empowerment, employment, economic growth, infrastructure development, solar energy, and food grain production. Now, we must realize the vision of Rajasthan in the year 2030 through the ‘Vision-2030 Document.’ The youth will play a pivotal role in achieving this goal.”
The Chief Minister also mentioned that collectively, we have propelled Rajasthan’s progress fourfold in the past five years. “Now, we aim to amplify this progress to tenfold by the year 2030. To achieve this, we urge the general public to contribute valuable suggestions and ideas for crafting the vision document.”
Gehlot also emphasized how the state government has provided benefits to the people of the state through their public welfare schemes by adhering to their commitments and intentions. He stated, “Effective financial management has propelled the economic advancement of the state; now, it needs to progress even faster.
Additionally, Rajasthan stands as the sole state to introduce initiatives such as Right to Health, Rajasthan Minimum Income Guarantee, and the Gig Workers Welfare Act. Now, Rajasthan’s focus should be on becoming a developed state, increasing per capita income, enhancing the happiness index, and attracting more investments. This stands as our top priority,” Gehlot added.
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