During his three-day visit to Kedarnath, former Congress president Rahul Gandhi had an unexpected encounter with his cousin Varun Gandhi, a BJP Member of Parliament from Pilibhit. Rahul Gandhi, who arrived in Kedarnath on Sunday, crossed paths with Varun and his family on Tuesday. Coincidentally, Rahul Gandhi had organised a Bhandara (a communal meal) at the shrine during his visit.

This meeting between Rahul Gandhi and Varun Gandhi at Kedarnath, after a long period, was initially considered a coincidence. However, political analysts have a different perspective. They point out that despite Varun Gandhi being an MP from the BJP, he has taken stances on various issues that do not align with the BJP’s positions.While Varun Gandhi meeting Rahul Gandhi might be coincidental, some speculate that there is a possibility of Varun switching his political allegiance. In the past, there were discussions about Varun joining the Congress when Priyanka Gandhi was appointed as the in-charge of Uttar Pradesh, but it did not materialise.

Rahul Gandhi lost in Amethi against Smriti Irani and is now an MP from Wayanad in Kerala, while Varun Gandhi currently represents the Pilibhit constituency. If Sonia Gandhi were to retire before the next general elections, both Amethi and Raebareli would be vacant, creating a scenario where a member of the Gandhi family might replace another Gandhi, as suggested by experts.