The Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra by the Congress began its fifth day on Thursday, moving from Tuli in Nagaland to Jorhat in Assam. Speaking to the crowd, Rahul Gandhi said that Assam has what may be the most corrupt government in all of India. In Sivasagar, Assam, a flag-transfer ceremony was conducted immediately prior to the Yatra.
“BJP-RSS are doing injustice in the country and every state. Be it economic injustice, social injustice or political injustice. There is an atmosphere of civil war in Manipur and till date PM Modi has not visited the state. The Prime Minister had made big promises in Nagaland. He signed the framework agreement nine years ago. People of Nagaland are today asking what happened to that agreement,” Rahul Gandhi said.
“Similar things are happening in Assam also. Perhaps the most corrupt government of India runs in Assam. We got a very good response in Nagaland and I hope we get the same in Assam also. We are repeating the history of Assam again. Shankar Dev ji had shown you the path, had worked to connect everyone. Similarly, Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra is going on,” he added.
“This journey has become a journey of enthusiasm and courage for the people of Assam because the people here are troubled. People are waiting to see when Rahul Gandhi will come here. This is a historical journey. Our Party believes in the Constitution of India. Today BJP considers itself more knowledgeable than Shankaracharyas. There is a lot of ego in them,” he said.
Congress on its official handle on X said that the Yatra will continue until we get the right to justice.
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