In Bijapur, Karnataka on April 26, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi took a dig at Prime Minister Narendra Modi, suggesting that lately, Modi seems noticeably anxious during his speeches, even hinting that he might break down on stage. Gandhi, who is contesting to maintain his position in the Wayanad seat in Kerala, further asserted that PM Modi has deprived the underprivileged of their finances over the past decade.
The ceasefire, brokered by the US, Egypt, and Qatar, ends 15 months of fighting, with…
The India-Bangladesh DG-level border talks will address border fencing, infiltration, and cross-border crimes, marking the…
Vanuatu, known for its 24.7-hour work week, holds elections tomorrow following a devastating earthquake. Recovery…
Talks for a Gaza ceasefire deal continue with Israel and Hamas, but Hamas' lack of…
After a prolonged wait, Congress finally inaugurated its long-awaited permanent headquarters on Wednesday, a significant…
Expressing concerns over the deteriorating health of farmer leader Jagjit Singh Dallewal, who has been…