Congress MP and Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi paid his respects at the Golden Temple in Amritsar and performed ‘Sewa’ on Monday. The visit forms part of his tour of the state during which the senior Congress leader actively took part in community service at the holy Sikh shrine.
He participated in cleaning and maintenance of the premises-a very traditional Sikh practice. Donning a headscarf and sharing the other devotees, he performed the activity as a service to the Lord. Pictures and videos of his visit in social media abound, depicting how he interacted with other devotees and volunteers at the shrine.
Speaking to reporters, Gandhi said, “This has been quite humbling and enriching.” The Golden Temple, he added, “represents the ideals of service, equality, and devotion. It is always an honor to visit and offer ‘Sewa’ here.”
A quiet reflection by Gandhi in the sanctum was included in the visit. Many appreciated the gesture and the effort at connecting to the community while he upholds the principles of humility and service.
The visit of Rahul Gandhi to the Golden Temple has come at a time when Congress has been keen on strengthening its presence in Punjab ahead of the upcoming elections.