Congress MP Rahul Gandhi on Wednesday launched a ‘White T-shirt’ campaign to mark his 54th birthday. Taking to social media, the Gandhi scion expressed his gratitude for the birthday wishes and shared the significance behind his trademark white T-shirt. “My heartfelt thanks to all of you for your birthday wishes. I am often asked why I always wear a ‘white T-shirt’ – this T-shirt symbolizes transparency, solidity, and simplicity for me,” Gandhi wrote.
He then invited the public to reflect on these values in their own lives by using the hashtag #WhiteTshirtArmy and sharing their thoughts in a video. “Where and how useful are these values in your life? Use #WhiteTshirtArmy and tell me in a video. And, I will gift you a white T-shirt. Lots of love to everyone,” he added.
Earlier in the day, the Congress leader, accompanied by his sister and party leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, visited the party headquarters in the national capital to celebrate the occasion.
The olympic medalist shared the news with his fans on Instagram on Sunday.
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