Congress leader Rahul Gandhi voiced profound shock on Wednesday over the horrific rape and murder of a junior doctor in Kolkata. He underscored the increasing insecurity faced by both, the medical community and women nationwide. In a post on X, Gandhi condemned the purported efforts to “save the accused rather than providing justice to the victim,” expressing serious doubts about the actions of the hospital administration and local authorities.

“The way the layers of this cruel and inhuman act are being revealed has created an atmosphere of fear. If doctors aren’t safe in a medical college, how can parents feel secure sending their daughters out for studies?” Gandhi asked.

Gandhi, reflecting on the wider issue of violence against women, urged for serious dialogue and effective measures to tackle the increasing frequency of such incidents. He drew comparisons to previous cases in Hathras, Unnao, Kathua, and now Kolkata, highlighting that, despite the stringent laws enacted following the Nirbhaya case, these crimes persist.

“This incident has forced us to think that if doctors are not safe in a place like medical college, then how can parents send their daughters outside for studies? Why are even the strict laws made after the Nirbhaya case unsuccessful in preventing such crimes? Every party, every section of the society will have to hold serious discussions and take concrete steps on the continuously increasing incidents against women from Hathras to Unnao, and from Kathua to Kolkata,” he said.

“I stand with the victim’s family in this unbearable pain. They should get justice at all costs and the culprits should be given such a punishment that it is presented as an example in the society,” Rahul added.