Congress MP Rahul Gandhi engaged in discussions with Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Thursday evening, stirring speculations about escalating tensions within the INDIA bloc ahead of the 2024 general elections. Sources reveal that the conversation primarily focused on the aftermath of Wednesday’s INDIA meeting, during which Mallikarjun Kharge was proposed as a potential prime ministerial candidate.

Details of the conversation remain undisclosed, but insiders hint at a clash between Nitish Kumar and INDIA leaders on multiple fronts. One contentious issue was the proposed renaming of the bloc as ‘Bharat,’ a suggestion swiftly rejected by Congress leader Sonia Gandhi. Sources also suggest Nitish Kumar expressed displeasure, particularly towards Manoj Jha of the Rashtriya Janata Dal, for translating his speech from Hindi to Tamil, catering to leaders from the DMK.

Tensions further escalated as Nitish Kumar reportedly criticized the Congress for its lackluster performance in the recent November Assembly polls. The Congress faced defeat in key heartland states, including Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, and Rajasthan. Seat-sharing disputes with allies, such as the JDU, Trinamool Congress, and Samajwadi Party, added to the rift within the opposition bloc.

During the Delhi meeting, Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal proposed Mallikarjun Kharge as a potential convener and even Prime Minister if INDIA successfully defeated the BJP. However, Kharge promptly declined, expressing a preference for focusing on winning the election first.

While Nitish Kumar has publicly dismissed talks of prime ministerial ambitions, private speculations suggest otherwise. The recent developments, including Kharge’s nomination, have introduced uncertainties and potential discord within the INDIA bloc, founded to unite opposition forces against the BJP’s electoral machinery. The fallout from this episode raises questions about the alliance’s unity and strategic coherence as the 2024 elections draw near.