Rajya Sabha MP of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), Raghav Chadha, filed a case in Delhi’s Patiala House Court challenging the decision over the cancellation of the allotment of his government bungalow, and the case was heard in court today.
The AAP leader filed a suit in Patiala House Court under Order 7 Rule 11. The Rajya Sabha Secretariat in Court has demanded its cancellation.
The Court, while hearing the case, made it clear that all the pleas filed in court are almost similar.
In court, the Rajya Sabha Secretariat’s lawyer claimed that the media has been issuing statements in this matter. The court made it clear that it has no power to intervene in this situation.
The lawyer for Raghav Chadha, however, disagreed with the Rajya Sabha Secretariat’s argument.
The Rajya Sabha Secretariat’s counsel requested further time to submit its court-related response.
The court has given three weeks to the Rajya Sabha lawyer to file a reply.
The next hearing in the case will take place on August 10.
In fact, Raghav Chadha has submitted a petition to the court, claiming that the house that was assigned to him was unlawfully revoked.
Without providing any explanation or justification, the authority revoked the house allocation. Chadha, as an MP, has filed a petition in the Patiala House Court against the letter over his cancellation of a Type 7 bungalow that was allotted to him.
It has been mentioned in the petition that the AAP MP could not have been evicted without due process, and in the letter, cancellation of the allotment of the bungalow is illegal.
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