In a setback for AAP Rajya Sabha MP Raghav Chadha, a Delhi court has determined that he lacks the entitlement to maintain his occupation of the government residence he was provided with after the initial allotment was revoked. The court has lifted the interim stay granted to Chadha, which means that the Rajya Sabha Secretariat can ask him to vacate the bungalow at any time.

Following the court’s decision, the AAP leader issued a statement in which he characterized the cancellation of the allotment as a capricious and unprecedented action. He asserted that it had been carried out under the influence of the BJP to advance their political agenda and personal gain.

Chadha was given a Type 6 bungalow in July last year, and later in September of the same year, he sought a larger Type 7 accommodation, which was granted to him. However, in March, the secretariat revoked the allotment, contending that as a first-time MP, he was not eligible for a bungalow of that grade.

The AAP MP was asked to vacate the bungalow situated on Pandara Road in central Delhi. In response to this directive, he had taken the matter to Delhi›s Patiala House court, where an interim stay was granted on April 18.
Lifting the stay on Friday, the Patiala House court said Chadha could not claim an absolute right to occupy the bungalow.