In a groundbreaking development in the relentless war against drug trafficking, Punjab Police achieved a momentous victory by dismantling two separate cross-border drug smuggling networks and apprehending four drug traffickers. The operations, executed with utmost precision by the Counter Intelligence Ferozepur, led to the seizure of a staggering 77.8 kilograms of heroin and the recovery of three pistols, marking one of the most significant heroin hauls of the year.
Under the astute guidance of Director General of Police (DGP) Punjab, Gaurav Yadav, the first operation was initiated after receiving credible intelligence about a substantial heroin consignment. Police teams, led by AIG SSOC Ferozepur Lakhbir Singh, set up strategic nakabandi points and successfully intercepted two individuals on a motorcycle, in possession of the illicit drugs.The arrested culprits were identified as Gagga Gill, also known as Gagan alias Kali, a resident of village Bare Ke in Ferozepur, and Veer Singh alias Veeru from village Muhar Sona in Fazilka. Alongside the massive haul of 41.8 kilograms of heroin, the police also seized three pistols, comprising two 9mm pistols with four magazines and 100 cartridges, and one .30 bore zigana with two magazines and 15 cartridges. A comprehensive case has been registered under sections 21 (C) and 29 of the NDPS Act and section 25 of the Arms Act at Police Station SSOC Fazilka. In a parallel intelligence-based operation, the diligent police teams from Counter Intelligence Ferozepur apprehended Jasbhinder Singh alias Bhinda and Jagdeep Singh alias Bhuchar, both residents of village Deep Singh Wala in Faridkot. The officers seized an additional 36 kilograms of heroin from their possession as they were attempting to transport the illegal substance on a motorcycle. A separate case was registered under sections 21(C) and 29 of the NDPS Act at Police Station SSOC Fazilka. DGP Gaurav Yadav commended the exceptional operations, highlighting that these drug smuggling modules were heavily engaged in trans-border and inter-state drug trafficking in Punjab, posing a serious threat to public safety.
Adding further impetus to the investigation, Special DGP Internal Security RN Dhoke confirmed that the police teams are tirelessly probing the backward and forward linkages in both cases to expose the involvement of other individuals, including the source of the consignments from Pakistan.
He expressed confidence in more arrests being made in the coming days, reinforcing Punjab Police’s unyielding commitment to curbing drug smuggling and maintaining law and order in the state.