Punjab revenue officials on Friday went on an indefinite strike in revenue circles where they have been given “additional” responsibilities. A union leader representing the ‘patwaris’ (revenue officials) said they were not undertaking any work related to additional charges allocated to them in 3,193 revenue circles but were discharging their duties related to other circles, including that of flood relief. Representatives of the state’s revenue officers—patwaris and kanungas—had earlier in the week announced they would move the Punjab and Haryana High Court against the state government’s decision to invoke the East Punjab Essential Services (Maintenance) Act (EPESMA).
The revenue officers, under the Revenue Patwar Union, called for the strike following a corruption case against two officials in Sangrur a week ago. They claimed approvals from the deputy and financial commissioners were not taken ahead of the registration. “There are 3,193 Patwar (revenue) circles and 291 Kanunga circles observing the strike. The government is paying us for the work of 1,522 patwar circles and 412 Kanunga circles and we are doing that work,” union president Harvir Singh Dhindsa said. He said the revenue officials were not working in the circles where they were given additional responsibilities.