In the wake of devastating floods, Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann of Punjab has allocated INR 62.7 crore to support affected districts, as confirmed by Bram Shanker Jimpa, the state’s Disaster Management Minister, on Monday. This fund will be dedicated to restoring water supply infrastructure, repairing flood-damaged roads and bridges, facilitating evacuation to safer locations, ensuring clean drinking water, and maintaining livestock fodder supplies, Jimpa explained. Previously, the Chief Minister had declared a flood relief fund of INR 71.5 crore. The recent allotment of INR 62.7 crore has been disseminated to all district deputy commissioners and respective departments to manage the flood aftermath. An additional INR 10 crore has been assigned to the Water Supply and Sanitation Department to mend the water supply, drainage, and sewage systems. Earlier last week, the Chief Minister had also issued the first tranche of INR 33.5 crore to the deputy commissioners to address the immediate flood situation. The recent heavy rainfall severely impacted numerous districts in Punjab and Haryana, disrupting daily life and flooding large areas of residential and agricultural land. As per official reports, the severe weather has resulted in 32 fatalities in Punjab so far.