Chief Minister of Punjab, Bhagwant Mann, stated on Sunday that the recent floods have caused an estimated loss of nearly Rs 1,000 crore in the state. A detailed report outlining these losses will be forwarded to the Union government, with the state seeking a substantial relief package.
Assurances were given by Mann that on-ground assessments of the damages will be conducted and compensation will be provided to the affected individuals. The destructive floods, brought on by heavy rainfall, have adversely impacted numerous districts in Punjab and Haryana, crippling normal life and inundating vast expanses of agricultural and residential land.
Despite the grim situation, Mann highlighted a silver lining; the water level at the Bhakra dam remains below the danger mark of 1,680 feet, measured at 1,653 feet on July 23, ensuring no immediate release of water. Regular updates will be provided to the public to keep them informed and to prevent panic.
The Chief Minister also revealed plans for canal maintenance and new canal construction for judicious water use, while ensuring cleanliness and natural water flow. He criticised past corrupt leaders for exploiting the irrigation and drainage department for personal gain and ensured that these practices are being investigated by the state vigilance unit.
In an effort to rebuild, the state government plans to develop the areas around Nangal and the ‘kandi’ (sub-mountainous) region as major tourist destinations, recognizing their potential for attracting global tourists.